[홍보] 한-메콩 영상 공모전
2024-09-19 15:10

- Welcome all types of creative works, including films, dramas, documentaries, campaigns, animations, vlogs, interviews, ads, and songs/dances, focused on the relationships and collaborations between Korea and the Mekong countries.
- Open to everyone, regardless of nationality, with teams of up to 3 members. Winners will be invited to the awards ceremony, which will be held at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Republic of Korea, and presentation scheduled for early December, and for those residing abroad, travel and accommodation costs will be provided.
- For more details, please visit the website (https://www.rok-mekong2024.com/en).
- If you have any questions, please send an email to rokmekong24@gmail.com.
외교부와 한국동남아학회에서 개최하는 [2024 한-메콩 영상 공모전] 에 학생들의 많은 참여 부탁드립니다.
공모전을 준비하고자 하는 학생들은 글로벌협력전공 박민정 교수님(mjparkfor@gmail.com)께 검토의견 부탁 바랍니다.